There seems to be a spreading insidious disease in our society that keeps growing unchecked.
It is a Cult so widespread that we no longer recognize the symptoms of a Cult and the effects on the Minds of those that belong to it.
This Cult has deviously attempted through decades to upgrade itself to the ranks of 'Science', there were other cults that did this before, one is still fought today because the symptoms of its Cult-ish-ness are more obvious and hard to miss, that would be Scientology.
Like Economics, when L. Ron Hubbard realized he was losing ground in the Olympus of Plausible Beliefs he went for an upgrade and born was 'Dianetics' - a branch of Scientology- defined ' The Science of a Healthy Mind' - 'a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body'. 'Science' at its best?
As the world expanded and we kept piling up knowledge and information, we had a need to define this accumulation process and how to manage it and we called it "Science '"Science is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence."
It is hard to exchange views with Cult-ish people because of the nature of the knowledge and information they have erroneously accumulated, as you can be sure you will never be able to move some out of Scientology, a practice to which they devoted their Life and much Money in the most affluent cases, so it is for the followers of the Cult of Economics.
We must understand why the majority of Economists are unwilling participants -that was a concession- in this conglomerate of beliefs they wish to define Science, they miss out the point of 'Evidence'.
We must understand why the majority of Economists are unwilling participants -that was a concession- in this conglomerate of beliefs they wish to define Science, they miss out the point of 'Evidence'.
If they took a look at the "Evidence" of the systems they study and were supposed to manage and administer into consideration, as Real Consequences in the Physical real world vs the Pollyanna reality they make up in their Mind, they could not have missed the signs that something within the Theories and Systems of management they drafted and then had implemented, is inherently wrong, unless of course, is inherently done on purpose, which would make those system just plain unjustifiably Evil - not unlike ourselves - creatures who grew out of the whole and the confines of the consideration for Each Other, separated into mind bubbles, unable to reconcile with reality and the consequences of our Creation.
Economics has changed its skin through time and even through the 3 dictionaries consulted and reported at the bottom, on one, even an idiot can see how this word has been plied into a specific 'world view' and interestingly, the very essence of responsibility and accountability is gone from it - this is why Economists can stand on the footpath of the world and insist they are just observers and not in charge of anything, they are just voyeurs of a world that is self destroying, but they claim to be able to tell you WHY this is taking place, it's because the markets are not FREE enough (pfff), or it is because there is unpredictable recession, austerity and unforeseen market forces at work. Really?
If you can't see the past of your own discipline and the purpose for its existence or its future, and not even the present, what the fuck are you doing?
What is the purpose of such an Economics system then, unable to design functional models, or to correct them or to stand as an accountable witness to the disaster caused by the whole Money game or to foresee the Consequences - why are you wasting time on this, why not throw away all the books and resort to a psychic which in some cases (Hi Kim!) stands much more chances to work out an answer than yourselves?
What is the use of Questions with no Answers, of models with no practical applicable solutions, I beg?
when Cult outgrow themselves and their ability to have a common voice,
like the Catholics, they will have to produce abnormal amounts of papers
and 'proofs' to justify what was originally their Credo and their
purpose for existence and cover all sides of their body
of theories from possible investigations, we do not need to go too far
to see this in action, the Catholics hang by thin threads to Miracles
they unwrap every year to show their power is still ali(v)e.
They were the Church of Jesus Christ -or so they claim-, as they outgrew by magnitude the definition of a Cult (did you know that a Cult is only considered such if the group is relatively small, it was important to make this distinction or we could have called a Cult our Culture, our Religions, our Education, our Judiciary, our Defence Ministry, Ministering the Cult of War and our Economics system and then we would have broken free because the Mind control would have been too evident to be denied or go unnoticed) , they had to produce tons of papers to validate and justify how come that the simple teaching of a simple man who said to love one another and be our brother's keepers, IN FACT meant they were supposed to pile up properties, riches, get tax exemptions, lock the poor out of churches in winter because they are 'Places of Worship' and as such sacred, and why they were allowed to sanctify their mind delusions of grandeur in gold, incense and Myrrh, ermines skins and red shoes and endless earthly privileges.
They were the Church of Jesus Christ -or so they claim-, as they outgrew by magnitude the definition of a Cult (did you know that a Cult is only considered such if the group is relatively small, it was important to make this distinction or we could have called a Cult our Culture, our Religions, our Education, our Judiciary, our Defence Ministry, Ministering the Cult of War and our Economics system and then we would have broken free because the Mind control would have been too evident to be denied or go unnoticed) , they had to produce tons of papers to validate and justify how come that the simple teaching of a simple man who said to love one another and be our brother's keepers, IN FACT meant they were supposed to pile up properties, riches, get tax exemptions, lock the poor out of churches in winter because they are 'Places of Worship' and as such sacred, and why they were allowed to sanctify their mind delusions of grandeur in gold, incense and Myrrh, ermines skins and red shoes and endless earthly privileges.
As Edgar Allan Poe said, if you want to hide something, put it in plain view', and the Catholics followed the advice, they are so INYOURFACE that we no longer notice how big this modest CULT has become and how ever reaching it is in every facet of society. Not unlike Economics at all.
A cult is defined by 'its participants having 'odd and sinister beliefs', this was recently quoted by a self defined Economist, part of a very superficial research, as many at the foundation of any Economist belief system, the first definition that pops us when you google 'definition of a cult'.
Maybe it is this inability to thoroughly investigate every point that stuck them all together in the 'odd and sinister practices' mentioned about Cults.
But a Cult is defined as well in order as
- a spurious belief (meaning not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit. Of illegitimate birth - bastard.)
- a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
- great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
- a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object: the cult of St Olaf
- a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members: a network of Satan-worshipping cults
- a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular thing: the cult of the pursuit of money as an end in itself
- a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
- an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers
- a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
Now, if we take Economics from its Etymology as the Greek work 'Oiknomia', we were at the time talking about the management/administration of an household. Another great point of this original word was the understanding of such practice as the disposition or regulation of the parts or functions of any organic whole; an organized system or method.
So, Economy was born out of the need to create a system to benefit ALL the parts of the whole, the household, not unlike this planet that houses us all, this was prior to our dementia, when we came to believe that the Whole was in fact divisible by x billion and only some parts of the organic whole -should benefit.
Economy as such was not a science, because you did not need a science to see that if you had 3 children, 2 dogs, 1 cow and 2 chickens, all of them had to eat, all of them needed a shelter that was fit for their needs and nature and you would take what you had and cater to the needs of all. It was THAT simple.
The reason why we went and complicated such a simple subject that should have organically expanded into the same original purpose, of catering for the needs of All parts of the whole, is because we were dishonest, and saw an opportunity to sit on one side of the whole -as IF that is even possible- and starve the rest, not only we were dishonest, but we were dishonest with a mission, to come out clean of all this deed, to make it 'normal' and acceptable, hence we created layers upon layers of mathematical models and Laws to justify WHY we are not doing with Economics, what Economics was created for, manage and distribute the resources of an household as Planet Earth -housing us All, to All parts of the Whole, equally, according to the needs of each.
So, as we became cocky with what we got away with, we claimed this perversion to be a Science, sealing with the word Science what we Seal with the ludicrous labels of Democracy and Freedom, a blatant delusional lie that not only we uphold but we insist on justifying on the premises that those who don't look the same, who don't eat the same food, who didn't have the benefit of the same education, who live in remote areas that we can consider legitimately NOT part of the whole, were worth Less and hence should have access to Less, and then we took the lie into schools, taught it to parents who were too busy to wonder if this was so and they passed it on to their Children and here we are, the proud 'owners' of a world broken in pieces, with the worst ever track record of intervention vs our increased ability to do so, because we grew this belief of justified Inequality to such a point that we made it Normal, and practices that would look to the sane as bizarre, odd or sinister are now part of our education text books and on we go, happy go lucky fools on our way to self destruction.
So, what makes Economics and Economists a Cult:
Their misplaced belief and great veneration for a fictional subject with NO relation to physical reality - as David Suzuky said, "the only ones that can believe that infinite growth on a planet of finite resources is possible resources are either Insane or Economists".
Their particular system of religious worship, in which the current Economics system - or any justification written in between with the same scope to not attend Equally to all parts of the whole organic body of this household which is Planet Earth- is Sacred and unquestionable, if you question it, they will scream you are part of a Cult (?).
Their spurious belief in what Economics should be about, having relieved themselves both of common sense or any responsibility for the outcome of the policies they suggest, write, come up with in the fantasy world of their Mind - no matter what is the verifiable outcome in the physical world
Their assumption that their CULT is the Only one valid and that what they worship has no match, they gather in groups bound together by the veneration of the same thing, The Money God, because make no mistake, they get what this game is All About, they just like to confuse the masses with New names for old Tricks, they invented Collaterals, Derivatives, Assets, Bonds and Stocks - they are all names for their Money God, do not confuse Economics with a Polytheistic religion, they are as MONO-theistic as they come, One God, many names - Money.
A particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies, yes, there would be much to say about this point alone, you can find the worshiper of the Church of the Money God in many places, Banks, Credit Institutes, Credit Ratings, Stock Exchanges, in some of those places they speak in tongues to exclude anyone who is NOT part of their Cult, where their gather to buy and sell titles that impact the world but not their conscience in any way, because they are not HERE, but lost somewhere in their Mind, where they have reduced the World to numbers on spreadsheets and human lives into collateral damage. Their rites and ceremonies are all related to movements in the 'value' of whatever they are trading which translates into Money, big celebrations -most of the time secret- are held whenever the fictional value of this fictional entity 'Money' as a 'target' is met.
As the worshiper of such Church disconnected from reality in all its aspects, they celebrate their speculations on Housing, Food -and soon on water-, on diamonds or gold, on oil or gas, uncaring of what happens on the other side of their speculation line, having been indoctrinated in the value of Profit vs Life, no, incorrect, in this they are apparently counter-intuitive, some praised Richard Hawkins as a most valuable Human being vs your everyday Joe, a bit of a conundrum because according to geneticists, Richard Hawkins would have been an error of Nature that should not have seen the light of the day and they would have corrected it for sure if they could have put their hands on his DNA sequencing to re engineer his life form into the best of his expression - so as you can see - not even Scientists can agree on the value of life and which Lives are valuable, which are worth keeping and which are not. Proof that Life and Science have not yet met.
If Genetics as a Science should win over Economics, and we found out that Economists DNAs are in fact a threat to society and that their mental dis-ease as the DNA of the knowledge and information they are made of, could spread and endanger the planet once again, should we get rid of those DNA sequences for good, or allow them to come up with another 'spurious' system for their benefit and service, while they lock out everyone else from what belongs Equally to All? A point to ponder.
So, yes, Economics is a Cult and it is dangerous, it is what we used to show each other that there were Good reason to our Inequality, that there were motives causing what was going on, it made us irresponsible and unaccountable, allowed us to surf through life as if what we did had no consequence just because we were not the ones paying them.
And just to be clear, no one is innocent in this Game we are playing, the very reason why we let this all go on is because we always hoped to join in the Rat Race coming out on Top and in this there is the very reason WHY we are troubled by Equality - because that will threaten forever our odd chance that we may make it, that we may get out of this mad mad race ahead of everyone else, it is our collective Greed that kept this system in place because if at one point, on any side of the game we had said STOP! what we are doing makes no sense there is enough for everybody, why are we fighting each other, why did we create a Debt System to enslave each other, I want to be free and so I make you free because I get it, I can't have ANYTHING that I don't give to others Equally - anything I seem to gain for myself is just an illusion I will have to lose, yes, it doesn't seem to have gone this way in the past, many rich people were able to hold on to the good end of the rope with little or no consequence, but that was then, and this is now and who knows, karma could suddenly start to work as it was supposed to from the beginning, as a law of Correction to allow us to see the consequences of our actions all the way to the receiving end, so we may stand and correct ourselves as The World back into Equality, as One and build together a place of dignity where Life is honored and no one is left behind.
If you are an Ex Economists, a Recovering Economist, an Enlightened Economist and would like to participate and support to redesign a system that works for All, where Life is the Only worth and value shared by All Equally, come and visit Equal Money, participate on the Forums, offer solutions you may have stumbled upon or pondered on your journey of questioning the current system.
Equal Money is an all inclusive system, it welcomes all, from all walks of life and no matter what Economists say, it will come to be, because dementia can only last so long and the time for a Global Awakening and Life for All has come, Join us.
Equal Money Capitalism -where Life shared by All -Begins.
oikonomia: stewardship, administration
Original Word: οἰκονομία, ας, ἡTransliteration: oikonomia
Short Definition: stewardship
Definition: management of household affairs, stewardship, administration.
Definition of ECONOMY
1 archaic : the management of household or private affairs and especially expenses
2 a : thrifty and efficient use of material resources : frugality in expenditures; also : an instance or a means of economizing : saving
b : efficient and concise use of nonmaterial resources (as effort, language, or motion)
b : efficient and concise use of nonmaterial resources (as effort, language, or motion)
3 a : the arrangement or mode of operation of something : organization
b : a system especially of interaction and exchange <an economy of information>
b : a system especially of interaction and exchange <an economy of information>
- 2 careful management of available resources: fuel economy
- offering good value for money: an economy pack of soap flakes. sparing or careful use of something:a technique based on economy of effort. (usually economies) a financial saving: there were many economies to be made by giving up our London offices
- offering good value for money: an economy pack of soap flakes
- 3 (also economy class) the cheapest class of air or rail travel: we flew economy
- 1. thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc.
- 2. an act or means of thrifty saving; a saving: He achieved a small economy by walking to work instead of taking a bus.
- 3. the management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.
- 4. the prosperity or earnings of a place: Further inflation would endanger the national economy seriously.
- 5. the disposition or regulation of the parts or functions of any organic whole; an organized system or method.
Definition of a Cult
- a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
- a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
- a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
- great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
- a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object: the cult of St Olaf
1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers
4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5. Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

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